eMPIRICA regularly monitors and improves quality and efficiency of educational, scientific, research and professional work. Main task of a college in this segment is to establish mechanisms for quality monitoring and evaluation, and work efficiency, primarily on the basis of self evaluation which includes all students and teaching staff.
Self evaluation, enables sovereignty to the college, which is a prerequisite for a true autonomy of an institution and it propels staff and students to thinking that each of us is responsible for the quality and improvement. eMPIRICA dedicates systematic, structured and lasting attention to work quality, especially teaching process quality.
Study program self-evaluation is carried out in accordance with established criteria:
- monitoring and grading teachers’ and T.A.'s work,
- reports on realisation of classes, written by teachers and T.A.'s,
- students’ surveys on courses and teaching staff after the course has finished,
- students’ surveys on study programme upon finishing the studies,
- analysis of efficiency and success of the education process (taking into consideration the teacher and the course), in accordance with criteria for educational process quality and efficiency assessment in a higher education institution according to European and HEA guidelines.Administration and Senate of the higher education institution are responsible for quality assurance, so for that reason Quality Assurance Board and Commission for Class Quality Control were formed.
Aimed groups of evaluation:
- students and graduates,
- teachers and teaching assistants in the college,
- administrative staff,
- school administration,
- employers’ representatives,
- graduates employed up to 2-3 years.
Evaluation instruments:
- documentation,
- inquiries for the College teachers and T.A.'s and annual interviews with them,
- inquiries for practical education mentors and companies representatives,
- inquiries for students after they enroll in a programme, after they conclude a course, after they conclude the programme and receive their degree,
- inquiries for administrative staff school administration representatives,
- inquiries for leading companies where the graduates are employed,
- visits to companies and partners.
Subject of evaluation -analysis of acquired data on:
- enrolled students, studies duration, employment,
- study programme,
- success rate per course,
- college teachers and assistants,
- practical education success,
- teaching methods,
- curriculum,
- organisation forms of classes,
- grading system,
- class activities and academic staff competence,
- academic staff research abilities,
- relationship and atmosphere in the institution,
- equipment and rooms,
- extra curricula.
The result is an analytic, self-evaluation report, which values the advantages, weaknesses and possibilities and is a basis for changes and improvements. The self-evaluation report is done once a year by eMPIRICA Senate.