Ten reasons why to study at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA
- Teaching staff at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA are renowned professors and experts from BiH, Republic Slovenia, Republic Croatia, Republic Austria and the USA, who have acquired their knowledge and experience at prestigious universities and managed international projects.
- Upon graduation from the study program Business Informatics you will gain a dual diploma; from BiH and Republic Slovenia. Along with eMPIRICA's degree you will gain a degree from Visoka šola za poslovne vede from Ljubljana ((Ljubljana School of Business), through transnational studies approved by Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education -NAKVIS.
- In the course of the studies you will acquire knowledge necessary for attaining industrial certificates. With the frame of the programme study Engineering Informatics you will attend CCNA free of charge at our local Cisco Networking Academy, which is integrated into the study programme. By passing four exams in a semester at CCNA programme you will simultaneously pass four exams within the studies. At the study program Business Informatics you will attend one semester of CCNA Discovery program free of charge.
- Promotion of students’ knowledge and success– rewards to the best students (vouchers and co-financing students’ expenses, vouchers for taking industrial exams, financing participation in educative events etc.)
- Opportunity to pay for the tuition in 12 instalments, only for one academic year.
- Having a mediator for obtaining scholarships– College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA will be a mediator for its best students in the process of acquiring student scholarships with the firms that need IT experts.
- Student training will be performed in one of the best IT firms where the students will gain mandatory and comprehensive practical knowledge.
- Possibility of studying while working– use your time and study at you own pace. Professional and comprehensive distance learning studies will enable you this.
- Reduce studies expenses– By distance education and using online educational and library contents as well as access to renowned databases you will reduce total studies costs (food and accommodation, travel and books)- all you need is an access to Internet!
- High employment possibilities upon graduation– IT experts are deficient in the whole world!