Lifelong Learning Academy eMPIRICA – ACU eMPIRICA supports the idea of permanent education known in the Bologna context as lifelong learning. This extremely propulsive idea is largely commensurate with information and communication technologies which are explored and used on daily basis in the teaching process in this institution.
Lifelong Learning Academy eMPIRICA offers advanced programmes, seminars, trainings in IT and business education which will improve your knowledge, business skills, efficiency and professional performance.
Within Lifelong Learning Academy eMPIRICA you can be tested and certified via our authorised Certiport Testing Centre for the following programmes: Microsoft® Office certified programme, Microsoft® Technology Associate certified programme, Adobe® Certified Associate certified programme, CompTIA Strata™ IT Fundamentals, Autodesk® Certified User certified programme, Intuit® QuickBooks Certified User certified programme i Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC³®).
IT Education programmes
IT education will infuse you with knowledge in information and communication technologies and computer skills:
The CISCO Networking Academy Programme
- CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) is the primary curriculum which includes basic knowledge and applications in the field of networking technologies,
- CCNA Security- a curriculum which includes basic knowledge and applications in the field of computer network security,
- IT Essentials- main curriculum which draws participants into the world of personal computers and Windows operating system.
IT literacy programmes– IC³ is a global and certified programme designed to gain digital literacy certificates in the sphere of basics in computer and Internet literacy. It's the first certificated acknowledged by National Skill Standards Board (NSSB). Th latest IC³ programme known as IC3-GS4 ( Global Standard 4) is updated to use Microsoft Windows 7 OS and Microsoft Office package. IC³ icludes the following modules:
- Computing Fundamentals
- hardware,
- software,
- operativni systems,
- input and output devices,
- troubleshooting,
- computing technologies impact.
- Key Applications
- text processing,
- table work,
- presentation applications,
- common capabilities of all applications which enable faster leaning process, smarter working and better presentation.
- Living Online
- Internet work,
- work in networking environment,
- electronic mail,
- communication, education and social interaction enhancement in safe and ethical manner.
e-learning programs –learn how to devise and create online materials and eCourses using ICT, master technologies and e-learning techniques and familiarise yourselves with e-learning systems, media and technologies that can be used in classes. Improve and innovate the teaching process and become a distinguished author of online education content and class activities.
Business education programmes
Business education will enable you to master IT application methodology in business-making and skills in good management, business-making and communicating.
Business communication skills
Business communication skills programmes are offered in cooperation with the distinguished education centre HalPet business communication Ltd. from Zagreb whose experts have been providing trainings for business people and leading firms throughout whole Croatia.
Business communication skills programmes consist of the following programmes: management skills, communication skills, sales skills and other modern techniques for improving professional and personal performance.
e-business– introduction of electronic business will make your work faster and more efficient, as well as more interesting. Once you acquire working habits in the IT context you will not be able to imagine that you have worked any differently.
Business English This programme will enable you to make oral and written correspondence in English in appropriate and professional manner. By attending this course you will be able to freely make a successful conversation with business partners from all over the world. Business English programme is intended for business professionals who want to develop communication with similar partners from around the world.
eMPIRICA’s curriculum is devised so as to ensure that the students gain knowledge necessary for acquiring ECDL, Cisco and CAPM certificates during the course of the studies. The curriculum is well distributed across all courses in all semesters. Seeing that eMPIRICA College will as part of Lifelong learning Academy gain the status of a testing center for ECDL and Persons Vue, the students will be enabled to gain the certificates at their parent institution.
Depending on the market demands and global trends in ICT and business skills, the Center will be extending the existing ones and introducing new courses, which will enable students and general public to keep pace with development of the state of the art ICT and gain prestigious IT and business skills.