eCampus is an e-learning platform at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA, Brcko District BiH, primarily intended for conducting distance learning study programmes. eCampus is a verified platform taken from our co-founders from Ljubljana, who successfully conduct distance learning via it for 10 years. eCampus system enables:

  • reliable teaching and testing process via Internet (LMS – Learning Management System)
  • simple creation of e-materials (LCMS – Learning Content Management System).

 Efficient e-education and e-learning do not only include development and delivery of e-materials, which need to be multimedia and interactive, but also continual involvement of all participants (students, professors, mentors, tutors, administrators) in synchronous and asynchronous activities on the platform on every day basis during the whole semester, aiming to create a virtual school that offers a faithful image of the traditional educational environment. At eMPRIRCA College we decided to make a leap in accordance to all available technologies and provide our students with  a real e-education environment with all advantages it has to offer. This requires the teaching staff to be more engaged and involved in the educational process every day via Internet, unlike the traditional educational process. Our teachers, associates, tutors and administrators are at disposal to distance learning students either through synchronous of asynchronious communication.

Upon enrolling, all eMPRIRCA students get the user name and password to access eCampus system through which they can access all educational materials and activities that are organised as e-materials and e-classrooms with attractive multimedia and interactive contents (online materials, practice assignments, project assignments, simulations, animations, (self)evaluation tests, etc. ) Apart from above mentioned learning materials we record lectures and practice for our distance students, which can be downloaded from our YouTube channel or FTP server. Multimedia lectures contain synchronous audio and written text or ppt so that distance students get the same information as the regular students during face-to-face classes. Our students have the ability to upload and share with their colleagues additional materials through FTP server, which they find themselves and which can be helpful  in mastering a certain field.

Though distance study programe is on a par with the part-time studies, the example of eMPIRICA College testifies that it is indeed a regular educational process since we monitor and support a continual progress, work and the learning process of our students all the which is accomplished by using a resourceful platform. eCampus enables different forms of asynchronous and synchronous learning and communication: it enables monitoring of students's studying and active involvement, communication with them via our integrated e-mail system, forums, chat rooms. Apart from student-professor communication, students can communicate with the administrative staff as well (Students’ office, library, administrators) and among one another.

However, as with all technology, we are aware of the fact that this one is also as efficient as its users are (teachers and students) capable and ready to use it. Efficiency of e-learning does not only lie in the attractive multimedia and interactive materials that we develop for our students, but also largely in continual activities and involvement in the system, which needs to be used maximally so as to motivate distance students to continually access the learning process. We are convinced that this approach is very efficient and our distance students’ results in different forms of knowledge assessment do not fall behind those of the regular students.